
Visual communication Week 3

Visual communication Week 3

Interactive light sculpture art

I am curious by the culture values impact on the changing of lifestyles

With timely flow of information, the world is getting smaller, rapidly changing information instantly transmitted to me, not only enriched my thinking, but also changed my speech and manners.
In this era of information explosion, for good and bad judgment cultures derived from our traditional culture and the existing culture, and the collision and fusion of these cultures, will lead to changes in our cultural values​​, and these change from thinking will also affect my lifestyle.
For example, we can say that Asians widespread attention etiquette, ritual and status, and this contrast, Europeans and Americans attention straightforward (contempt red tape) and equality (contempt status), but with the exchange of information and communicate cultural values , eventually lead to a change of lifestyle.

I want to reveal how social values reflected in meeting 

others substance and spiritual needs 

Everyone has stand, opinions, attitudes and choices about good or bad, pros and cons, good and evil, beauty and ugliness , for different things and objects, each person has his view, will exhibit different behaviors and measures, sources thinking orientation and behavior choice in social values .
Development of society is no absolute fairness, some people see this unfairness, it will lend a helping hand, for people living embarrassment of giving material help , for people who lack the spiritual pillar of moral support, they tend to beliefs, ideals, beliefs, pursue other forms manifested, eventually social values ​​form a national cause of the public good ​​.
For example: beggars begging in the city, people with understand vision to respect them, giving material help, and called on the public attention given to vulnerable groups; some people due to various pressures, vulnerability and lack of spirit , when they choose to commit suicide, those who stand up and give moral support. They passed their knowledge and practices, discover, create material or spiritual development of other people, to give contributions.

I am fascinated by significance between people and life in individual values

Complicated modern social factors , making people tend not to look target value and significance of life regarded as established, people's attitude change with the development of society, many people have lost the meaning of life conviction .
People often want to understand the ultimate meaning of life, but suspect that the ultimate meaning of life there is a contradiction, lack of stable personal life values , contradictions makes people around the world at a loss , but must make a clear self-determination.
For example : In China , people are richer than ever before, the basic necessities of life are much better than before, but people's happiness index is more and more low, the pressure is still growing, life is getting busy. The main reason for this situation come from the change of individual values, people are no longer satisfied with the present life, both social factors, there are also personal factors.

