
Visual communication Week 3

Visual communication Week 3

Interactive light sculpture art

I am curious by the culture values impact on the changing of lifestyles

With timely flow of information, the world is getting smaller, rapidly changing information instantly transmitted to me, not only enriched my thinking, but also changed my speech and manners.
In this era of information explosion, for good and bad judgment cultures derived from our traditional culture and the existing culture, and the collision and fusion of these cultures, will lead to changes in our cultural values​​, and these change from thinking will also affect my lifestyle.
For example, we can say that Asians widespread attention etiquette, ritual and status, and this contrast, Europeans and Americans attention straightforward (contempt red tape) and equality (contempt status), but with the exchange of information and communicate cultural values , eventually lead to a change of lifestyle.

I want to reveal how social values reflected in meeting 

others substance and spiritual needs 

Everyone has stand, opinions, attitudes and choices about good or bad, pros and cons, good and evil, beauty and ugliness , for different things and objects, each person has his view, will exhibit different behaviors and measures, sources thinking orientation and behavior choice in social values .
Development of society is no absolute fairness, some people see this unfairness, it will lend a helping hand, for people living embarrassment of giving material help , for people who lack the spiritual pillar of moral support, they tend to beliefs, ideals, beliefs, pursue other forms manifested, eventually social values ​​form a national cause of the public good ​​.
For example: beggars begging in the city, people with understand vision to respect them, giving material help, and called on the public attention given to vulnerable groups; some people due to various pressures, vulnerability and lack of spirit , when they choose to commit suicide, those who stand up and give moral support. They passed their knowledge and practices, discover, create material or spiritual development of other people, to give contributions.

I am fascinated by significance between people and life in individual values

Complicated modern social factors , making people tend not to look target value and significance of life regarded as established, people's attitude change with the development of society, many people have lost the meaning of life conviction .
People often want to understand the ultimate meaning of life, but suspect that the ultimate meaning of life there is a contradiction, lack of stable personal life values , contradictions makes people around the world at a loss , but must make a clear self-determination.
For example : In China , people are richer than ever before, the basic necessities of life are much better than before, but people's happiness index is more and more low, the pressure is still growing, life is getting busy. The main reason for this situation come from the change of individual values, people are no longer satisfied with the present life, both social factors, there are also personal factors.


Open Studio : Drawing

Open Studio : Drawing 

This class is about Drawing , I am interested in Drawing but I am not good at Drawing .
First of all , this class given by Dr. Nigel and Dr. Kentaro , we asked to find the center of an A4 paper just by the feeling , of course all of us deviated from the center after two fold , my dot is in the near northeast . from this activity , I know everyone`s feeling is different and everybody have his / her center , but we should clear how to find the center .
Secondly , Dr. Kentaro teach us to draw only use arms, muscles, shoulder and elbow , don`t use joints of hand ,this is my first time though professional guidance , each request is equal to the distance between the rings, and requires a smooth curve , when I draw the pattern , I feel more different more good than before , after several times text , more good-looking . 
Thirdly , in order to improve our physical coordination , especially the right shoulder , joint and muscle , we asked to draw another pattern like a beautiful flower or satellite icon , I am interested in this work , not difficult and fit for me get the basic skills about drawing .
At last , the item is about painting , we cover a plastic board fix on a paper , there are Chinese ink and watercolor ,then draw on the plastic board and rubbing out with a white paper pattern .at beginning , I have no idea , just use Chinese ink and red watercolor to make a simple pattern , with the rubbing , I start to mix different colors and more fearless , flying imprison ideas .

the painting below is what I like :


Decision Making

Decision Making

Today we talking about decision making :
the signal : her own investment data ; the noise : the other data on the billboard 
Hit : she get the signal see the price up , then hold the positive response to sell her stock on the other hand and buy more stoke when the price is lowest . 
Miss : she get the signal see the price up , but she hold negative response miss the time  to sell her stock on the other hand and buy more stoke when the price is lowest . 
False alarm : she don`t get the signal but make a mistake thought the price up , then she make a positive response  to sell her stock on the other hand and buy more stoke when the price is lowest . 
Correct rejection : she don`t get the signal of the price up , and she have a negative response do nothing  to sell her stock on the other hand and buy more stoke when the price is lowest .
if she miss the buying and selling , it must be D-prime is small and Beta is high ; if she hold false alarm , it must be D-prime is small and Beta is small .
D-prime -- perceptual sensitivity 
large D-prime is the signal is more discriminable from the noise ,so more correct responses make hit and correct rejection .
If she want large D-prime , it`s better change her data color ,or maybe build a system on her phone when the data change to alarm her .
Beta--the decision criteria 
The degree to which the perciever is biased to detect or not to detect : 1. conservative ( large ) beta - minimal detection 2. liberal ( small ) beta - maximal detection 
Bias : if more correct rejection , more miss , say " no " all time ; if more hit , more false alarm , say " yes" all time .
Her bias is focus on the billboard all the time ,and want the price up .
Beta increase : the perceiver renders the criteria more strict , then the perceive is less open to detect the signal biased to reject it ( conservative ) , so more miss and correct rejection .
Beta decrease : the perceiver decreases the criteria ,then the perceiver is more open ( biased ) to detect the signal ( liberal ) , so more hit and false alarm .
p[Hit]+p[Miss]=1  ;  p[False Alarm]+p[Correct Rejection]=1
The expert said no loud music between 2-4 , in order to have a large D-prime to make more hits and more correct rejections .
For example : anticipating a phone call , then you will have a smaller beta-the decision criteria would become lower ( liberal ) , so will meet the false alarm and hits ;avoding a phone call while engaged in a different task , then the decision criteria increase-beta increase ( conservative ), so will meet more miss and correct rejections .


Luminaire Design : design brief

Luminaire Design : design brief 

presentation plate
design brief / inspiration / application 
my work 
concept design 
Chinese monochromes 1
Chinese monochromes 2
Chinese monochromes 3
Chinese monochromes 4
Chinese monochromes 5
Chinese monochromes 6
discuss with Dr


Open Studio : Lecture Reflect Value

Lecture Reflect Value

        This week we have two lectures in Queen Sirikit National Convention Center . we are lucky to meet the " Bangkok Design Festival " .
        At morning , the seminar is " Russian Design and Innovative conference " . 
        Look at this photo , thank you TUI and of course SHINE , you help me a lot on the transportation .I have already been to Bangkok nearly 2 month , but the transportation is still unpredictable for me , each time go out to the strange place , I have tangled for a long time , so pity not catch the lecture on time .
        What are saw there are many works by the young generation of Russian , it`s very creative work of 80`s , I found a characteristic that different with us is most of the design manuscripts produced and become the product , this getting my deepest feelings , though " do " you can create many ideas , maybe meet some difficult problem , but these will become your experience . 
        The other one I found is that most of them work in aboard in the world famous company , this platform will led a good chance to improve them , and of course the different design style and different culture will effect them maybe all the life . when they back country , they will give Russian valuable knowledge . maybe they are my reference that I am not sure .
        In afternoon , the meeting is about " Thailand Innovation And Design Expo 2014 " .
        People do not understand the local language is really a very painful thing ,I just understand the English speaker ,thanks to his passionate speech , but it`s so pity I am not interested in the Medical Devices .                   Dorcor Doh and another person speak with thai language , I don`t know one words , but form the PPT , I think I can know something .
  1. right-brain economy :
  2. "consumers" are designer  : buy / sell & make custom products with or without design skills
  3. prosumers : kickstarter / crowdfunding
  4. personalisation innovation : laser out / 3D print / electronics 
  5. intellectual property lift 
  6. things are smarter : internet of things -- everyday things get connected > for smarter tomorrow 
  7. product - service - system : rethought everything to create an entirely new experience 
  8. design service 
  9. innovation for others : design for aging 
  10. sustainable future 
        The other people talk about interaction design , I really want know what he said , because my major is interaction design , but also I can`t understand .

        At last , if we do our best to improve ourselves in all aspect , there will always be a place to realize their value , and the road point out the place is in the near future . 

Visual communication Week 2

Visual Communication

Open Studio : Design process

Open Studio : Design Process 


Attention and mental resources

Attention and mental resources

        Attention : the behavioral and cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things . attention has also been referred to as allocation of processing resources .
Attentional resources are defined along three dichotomous dimensions :
        1. Stages of processing with perceptual / central processing requiring resources different from those used for response processing
        2. Processing codes with spatial processing requiring resources different from those used for verbal processing , and
        3. Input / output modalities with visual and auditory processing requiring different processing resources .  
        Product refers to the stage of awareness with respect to the various perceptual and cognitive activities involved in constructing , updating , and revising the state of awareness .
First activity is dichotic testing – josie`s science experiment
        First time , listening to the left earphone , and write down the words you heard , second time , change to the right ear , finally put on the both side of earphone and listening , write down the words you heard .
        The result for me is left side is more similar the both side , so my right side of brain is more advanced than the left side , because the right side of brain control the left side of body and left side of brain control right side of brain . in the test , most of classmates left side of brain is more strong . for the both side of listening I think this is about selective attention of the brain ,so I just select out the word more sensitive .
        Selective attention  ( filter out in visual and audio ) : focusing on specific objects and filtering out others , the ability to attend to one source of information while ignore or excluding ongoing message around us .
        Expectancy – the use if our knowledge to predict where to look for information and what changes to expect of product/system behavior .
        Selective attention salience – the features of the environment that will attract or ‘ capture ‘ attention
second activity is dichotic testing two
        The left side of ear is a woman reading words with low speed , and the right side of ear is reading a article with high speed . we should write down the word start with m , p or t .
        The result said we can`t keep attention to the different things with same organum sensuum , so we can`t using the same resources to do multitasks at the same time .
        Multiple resources theory : focusing on specific objects  and filtering out others . the ability to attend to one source of information while ignore or excluding ongoing message around us .
        Divided attention  ( multitasks ): paying attention to more than one thing at one time . this ability is limited , which has an impact on how much we can process at once .
        The coordinating of multiple tasks ( including the allocation of limited processing resources ) , planning , chunking or the reorganizing of information to increase the amount of irrelevant information have all been labeled as part of the executive control .
last activity is eye tracking
       We use the advanced instrument to catch the pupil , tracking the eye which part the tester focus , then record the data .
       From this testing , attentional resources are directed to one single task and maintained until desired goal is achieved , it`s called “ focus attention “ . Focus attention have the effort and difficulty to the performance . if the effort is more than difficulty , so the performance improved .
       A reduced level of resource requirement by one task would translate to increased spare resources for processing other tasks .


Open Studio : Design Management

Open Studio : Design Management 

        Welcome Dr. Toh teach our design management . His speech and powerpoint is very clarity .
        First of all , he introduce the history of design management .
        Secondly, it`s about the process of what include in the design management : design thinking , visionary design , design creation process ,strategic design management and design entrepreneurship grouping together .
        Next there are three examples to compare different market -- red ocean / blue ocean / blue sky :
  • red ocean means alarm , because of the high competitive ,even though just have existing demand and low risk , but less profit make the quality more worse , I think this is a vicious cycle system ;
  • blue ocean means balance , so the product keep in value innovation . the company in this period suffer medium risk ,so they have the highest income , and the company keep at the peak on the development . 
  • blue sky means environment friendly , they are innovation category and technology is their core , this kind of company have high risk , but with high value , I think this kind of company operate will , in the near future , they will be the leader in the related industry .
        For the company , if don`t want eliminated , one side they must keep innovation , the other side as a for-profit organizations , they must consider the cost , so the company must find the balance point of value innovation .
" Value " in the dictionary`s explanation is : 
  • the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
  • a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life.
         value is promise . once promise ,no matter how difficult or hard , I should do my best to achieve the promise .
         Between creator and user/stakeholder area is value . here are two example : 
         Through compare two light bulb to judge the different value : the first one is utility , it`s cheap and simple but perishable and energy not saving . the second one is efficiency , it`s expensive and made difficult but energy saving and safety . if lower the price , I think the second will sell well , at the same time profit it earned back , just find the balance of profit and cost .
        The value difference between these two building mainly reflected in the function , first building is for living and second is for believing . not only the former but also the later building really looks so beautiful and artistry , After calculate to use the least materials and money to build the most functional building , then according to the local conditions to design make it more artistry .
        There are two dimensions of design value , one is economic value ,include : profitability / differentiation / innovation and recognition , the other is emotional value , include: style / performance / story and experience . some customs take a fancy to economic value , others take a fancy to emotional value , each comes from their experience , how to pricing just compare the market price with the same products , because no mater the customs take a fancy to economic value or the customs take a fancy to emotional value , there must have a acceptable range , so find out the overlap section between the two part is important .
        The importance of value for design : direction / inspiration / decision / practice / communication .firstly upon request to inform what`s the user want ; secondly, mobilization of inspiration ; thirdly , To determine what kind of product design ,not much affected by the external ; fourthly , constantly revised product defects ; finally , description your product to others .
        At last , my value is  : Contribute myself to the society , at the same time achieve my ideal .


Memory structure & process

Memory structure & process

Memory is the process of maintaining information over time .
Formation of memories :
3 stages of memory :
Encoding : visual / audio / semantics ; Storage : short-term memory / long-term memory ; Retrieval : sequential (STM) / association (LM)
There are two temporary storage systems , the phonological loop and visuospatial sketch pad . these subsystem are used by a central executive that transforms information within each and integrates information in these stores with information in long-term memory .
The central executive is presumed to be involved in integrating information from these different stores ,and it is involved with selecting information ,suppressing irrelevant information , coordinating behavior ,and planning .
  1. the capacity of either the visuospatial sketch pad or the phonological loop may easily be exceeded , resulting in a loss of information that maybe necessary to perform an ongoing task .
  2. information from either store may be lost if there are delays longer than a few seconds between receiving the information and using it .
  3. information may need to be transferred from one subsystem into the other before further transformations or integrations can be made , thus reducing the resources available for the primary processing goal .
  4. if either working memory subsystem is updated too rapidly ,old information may interfere with the new .
  5. any interference in working memory is most likely to occur to the extent that the material is similar in its meaning or sound , thereby creating confusions .
long term memory :
  1. keep knowledge understanding of the world 
  2. gain past experience through the interaction 
  3. form internal representation of the world 
  4. retrieval memory  repaid and sometimes effortless 
Activity : memory 
  1. draw a map for the new comer 
  2. both ends of the card with a different color
  3. 9-7-07021972
  4. using a variety of multimedia tools
Exercise -design guide line :
  1. central executive 
  2. assigns attention resources to others -- working memory 
  3. visual spatial -- working memory 
  4. controls activities with WM -- working memory 
  5. coordinate multiple task -- working memory 
  6. control conscious activities ( problem solving ) -- working memory 
  7. control conscious activities ( reasoning ) -- working memory 
  8. control conscious activities ( thinking ) -- working memory 
  9. control conscious activities -- working memory 
  10. holding information in LTM -- working memory 
  11. episodic memory -- mental models
  12. procedural memory -- mental models
  13. semantic memory -- mental models
  14. skilled memory -- mental models
  15. skilled memory -- mental models
  16. semantic memory -- mental models
  17. procedural memory -- mental models
Match game :

In this game , first of all , I should use long-term memory , so I designed with letters according to the order , also with the color ,such as A-red , B-orange , C-yellow , D-green , E-cyan , F-blue , G-purple ...
secondly , there are 12 pairs of card , so I put them in two rows , in order to match convenient .
at last , I set up a row to arrangement by the order if I can`t match successful , this time I should use short-term memory according to the place / latter / color .


Wat Puttabucha Planning

Wat Puttabucha Planning

First Problem : T-Cross

With the eco-friendly willing to build a sustainable livable city , more and more Bangkok people like to change their transportation by bike .
General bike on the road occupies an area of ​​approximately 4-10m2 / bike , but when at the stop line before the intersection crowded density is large, according to research data show that the density of the intersection of the bike up to 1.56 / m2 .
Therefore, proper planning is very important for smooth traffic and road safety . 

Plan A : Set Diversion Island

When the bicycle rider out of the temple , the main road have a turn , it`s very dangerous for the low speed rider ,  so T-Cross set a diversion island that the shape like crescent to keep the riders` and driver`s safety .
1.      With diversion Island, bicycle across the street with the diversion island is different with not set signalized intersections , bicycle more gather .
2.      Waiting area in the diversion island, bicycles need to enter through the right-turn lane diversion island waiting to cross the street .
3.      After entering the diversion island, waiting across the street, there have the same acceleration and deceleration characteristics of non-motor vehicles and pedestrians  in diversion Island signalized intersection

Plan B : Bicycle prohibitive area and Left turn lanes :

When the bicycle rider cross road , There exists motor vehicle, non-indirect  straight and turn right conflict , In theory, there are 6 presence of cross points in T-cross.
By prohibiting bicycle turn right into the center of the conflict zone to reduce the number of conflicts , in order to make the bike can travel safety outside the prohibitive area, you can set up a dedicated lane (sidewalk) for bike turn left outside the prohibitive area Road with clear markings .
In order to keep safety , smart traffic lights for pedestrians and riders must be have .

Plan C : Turn left far cited cross (&Crossing under the bridge)

1.                      Let bike to turn left through the intersection, where there are signs in the near with U-Turn , so turn around , then turn right .
        Suitable for bicycle traffic turn left relatively large and go straight motor vehicle traffic density is relatively high intersection .
        This plan is cost-saving idea , in order to keep safety , it`s better draw a dedicated lane to combine the bicycle lane and sidewalk together .
2.                      It`s similar with the first idea , the diffrert is when rider turn left through the intersection , ride stright when meet a bridge and brand named Ta Maeng , then crossing under the bridge , and turn right ride stringt .
        What we do is just clear the road under bridge and build it more convinent for the rider .

Plan D : Two parking method & Bicycle Gantt

The motor vehicle and bicycle parking Line separated by intersection import road ( from the temple ) , bicycle parking lines will be set before the vehicle stop line, bicycle can be quickly turn right  through the intersection after the release, behind motor vehicle traffic is not will be disturbed.
This method is design for the future when there are large flow of traffic pass in and out of the temple , and suitable for large and moderate left turn bicycle traffic flow of vehicles and small level crossing .
By Install speed humps or using white paint mark bicycle crosswalk , tips or advice motor vehicle driver's attention bicycles, motor vehicles will slow down encounter this crosswalk .

Second  Problem : Market

1.     Floating Market

Floating market is a market where goods are sold from boats and the shop on the water ,  originating in times and places where water transport played an important role in daily life, most floating markets operating today mainly serve as tourist attractions .
So as a major tourist destination, the floating market is better selling travel necessities, souvenirs, arts and crafts, heritage antiques, travel sporadic supplies by the old traditional way from a small boat and the shop .
Characteristic tourism commodities should have the following aspects: national and regional, artistic, monumental and practical unity and diversity and ease with nature . Also , the small boat sales locations can be flexible to move to each channel, but here is the center of origin .
I suggest to build the floating market near the temple , scattered on both sides of the river , for the reason of tourist the temple and buy some food and fruit in the market , but the watercourse should be widen , in order to the smooth flow of traffic and large-scale floating market . and most important , the floating market complement with famers market , so just opened at special event or every weekend .

2.     Farmers Market

Farmers market one attached households agricultural production, marketing of agricultural products for farmers to provide services; the other end attached to the daily consumption of urban households, providing the full range, high quality fresh produce for urban and rural residents .
Considered from an economic, social, and development of all aspects , the farmers market is a good choice .
No matter farmers market or other small market is very far from here , so build a farmers market at the convenient transportation and public places is useful, because local people or the tourism can by bus / boat / bike /walk to the market ,especially the tourism have the willing to buy some Thailand traditional food and fruit to have a taste .

Inside of the temple yard there is a square for the famer market ,and there have already have some people sell goods on the square , what we should do is build infrastructure , such as : Trading floor studio / Entrance and channel / Health facilities / Water supply and drainage facilities / Power supply facilities / Ventilation facilities.
Market should be divided by vegetables, fruits, grain, oil, dry goods, spices, fish, eggs, meat, soy products, cooked food, merchandise and other goods categories, rational distribution of the various stalls. Raw and cooked, wet and dry, should channel separation between each business areas.

Third  problem : Parking

1.     Parking  area

This area is at the opposite of famers market , this parking area planned for Taxis / Unloading car / Motorcycles ,if possible to build awning for shadow ,  it`s convenient for the seller parking their motorcycle and car ,let traffic more smoothly, market  more neat and orderly, also tourisms can take taxi or motorcycle form here  .
I`d like choose the parking area as the picture below , Phuttha Buch Road and Prach Utha Uthit Road beside the parking area in the northeast , it`s convenient pass in and out , the farmers market in the north just separated by a narrow road with less motor vehicle , it`s convenient for the seller take heavy goods from the parking area , in the west is river with boat stop , it`s convenient for the tourists and local people to take transportation . in the south and southeast , there are Warehouse stores or Integrated supermarket and floating market , in all , it is very convenient for people distribution .
2.     Bicycle-for-rent service :

Rented bicycle change of lifestyle for a new generation , to solve urban problems of difficult bicycle parking and improve the efficiency of short-distance travel and attract car with short distance to travel to non-motorized transport mode shift . Bicycle access to public transport is very meaningful , conducive to the development of green transport, and promote environment-friendly and resource-saving society ; To make up for the lack of public transport .
Leasing point laid in a prominent position near the entrance area , attention public bike to the timely deployment and festivals arrangements , services at the university campus .
There have two ways to leasing , auto leasing for the local people and human services for the tourist. For example : the local people`s main task is shopping , when they buy too many goods and can`t carry on , maybe they will consider to rent a bicycle to ride back ; the tourism`s main task is tourist , they want cost less time to see more , so when they ride bicycle to temple , floating market , arboretum or any other place ,it`s not a bad choice .Also the student in KMUTT go back and forth the downtown , It`s very convenient for the students .

Fourth  problem : Arboretum

Arboretum of tasks: research, tourism, science popularization, production .
For the research , there need a instructors to introduce for the kids , people of different ages come to study ; for the tourism , tropical plants and Thailand gardening is very famous ,it`s worth to take the boat or bicycle or walk have a sightseeing ; for the science popularization ,the student in college of agriculture look the arboretum as a research base ,also they have the ability to protect the plant ; for the production , in the harvest season , all the people can take part in the free tasting event .
Arboretum requirements as much as possible to maintain a healthy natural environment, so should maintain a certain distance from the city, but also the city has convenient transport links. Also ,the arboretum should contain cold drink , shop and warehouse .

Everything is interrelated and mutually influence , if Wat Puttabucha developed , related industries developed and surrounding economic development will be driven up . More environmentally friendly, more convenient transportation, people more prosperous .

Planning Map :

PS : Warehouse stores or Integrated supermarket ( maybe in the far future ) :

This area have not a supermarket like the big C as that scale , if want to go and buy something , we must pass through the busy downtown streets . The city is enlarging ,its better have the planning for the convenient of local people . we have floating / famers market , so just need supermarket to buy anything else , such as : Daily necessities / Electric equipment / Furniture / Hardware and so on , because the place is at the edge of city , with the convenient transportation and more population,  so we must consider the factor to build warehouse stores or Integrated supermarket .

Warehouse stores are mainly subsistence management industry, warehousing and sales are one, low sales, located in the urban fringe, with convenient transportation . Commodity structure mainly in household goods,  clothing , stationery, home appliances, automotive supplies, supplies mainly indoors, breadth wider focus on commodities, Target customers with small retailers, restaurants, consumer-oriented for cheap sales.
Comprehensive supermarket sales popularization of supplies mainly , to meet customer demand for one-time purchase of retail formats , located in residential areas, urban fringe, Target customers are satisfied consumer demand in the largest proportion of low-income .
For the research of site selection , it`s better near the main road (Phuttha Bucha Road and Prach Utha Uthit Road) ,if not , I suggest connect the Kanchanaphisek Road and Chalerm Maha Nakhon Expy with the Supermarket , not only for the local economic development but also alleviate other road`s traffic pressure .