
Brain Function and Measurement

Brain Function and Measurement

This class given by Prof . Takao , His lesson is more difficult , some knowledge about medical , but thanks for his lecture and the interesting experiment .
Brain like a tofu have four parts: spinal cord / hindbrain / midbrain / forebrain . 
the brain`s basic building is neurons , they link with each others , create neuron passways .
brain keeps us : breath / eat / walk / talk . plan / solve problems / experience of emotions . store memorys / communicate with others . 
brain driving thought / feeling / action .
Brain`s structure :
  1. brainstem contain four parts : medulla oblangate / pons / midbrain , the basic function : breathing / circulation / digestion .
  2. cerebellum`s function : body control / motion memory .
  3. thalamus`s function : sorts data . ( hypothalamus : homeostasis . posterior : pituitary )
  4. cerebrum : integration .
these regions operate one connected network to keeps this alive and reach their goals .
information comes up to brain by sensory nerves and the motor nerves going down .
cerebral cortex : 
  1. frontal : motor cortex
  2. parietal : the most important is somatosensory cortex .
  3. occipital : vision 
  4. temporal : smell and hearing 
sleep and dream :
Sleep : a periodic , natural , reversible and near total loss of consciousness . recuperation / growth / mental function .
Electroencephalogram (EEG) is an electrical activity generated from neurons in human and animal brains .
Averaged EEG recording shows sensory components of cortical activity :

two type of sleep :

  1. Non-REM sleep , brain tend to sleep and become unconscious .
  2.  REM sleep , people ten to see dream and be conscious , but are paralyzed in body muscles ( rapid eye movement and low muscle tone are observed in this period ) .
 four stages of sleep :

  1. REM and NREM-1 : Adrenal Glands-release cortisol (wake) & Pineal Gland-release melatonin (sleepy)
  2. NREM-2 : Hypnagogic sensations 
  3. NREM-3 : Sleep spinelles .

REM sleep triggers neural activity , and dreams are accidental side-effects .

