
Open Studio : Lighting Design

Open Studio : Lighting Design

        This week we start a new module " lighting design " , one part is " light and lighting " , the other part is " value - based architectural thinking " .
        Light and lighting teach me how to communicating with " light and shadow ". 
        Contemporary roles of lighting : functioning with lighting / relative profession / visual perception / brightness perception / depth of field / form and texture / colour appearance of white light and colour of object . For example : warm light and mist ( beautify and atmosphere ) / water and reflections ( the bara by vision lighting ) .
        Why lighting design ? 
  1. visual information needs 
  2. change of lifestyles 
  3. heath and well-being 
  4. more complex buildings
  5. rapid urbanization 
  6. energy and environment 
        Architectural integration need the modeling effects and visual hierarchy .
        Illumination consideration : 
  • horizontal and vertical illumination 
  • relative height of light 
  • relative height and brightness 
design consideration / illumination consideration / physical consideration / thermal consideration / light and safety  and so on .
        Also there are some knowledge relative to dramatic effects / emphasis of overfelt / induction light / communicating concepts / communicating scenes / lighting scenes .
        The second part is " value-based architectural thinking " . 
Tries to incorporate the best aspects and avoid the worst problems of all of the thinking approach :
  1. systematic information gathering procedures 
  2. obtaining agreement with stake holders including users and community in open work session environments 
  3. most important design issues are addressed 
Enduring values of architecture :
  • firmitas + utilitas + venustas 
  • firmness + commodity + delight
  • surviral + good life + art
  • to protect + to nurture + to transform 

        At the end of class the class , we divided two groups to design the footbridge corridor with the lighting and technology skills , then we go with professor to see the site in the BTS station .

